(Quick & Easy) How to Cancel Albert Account in 2024
You’re in the right place if you’re looking to learn “How to Cancel Albert Account” or its subscription. This comprehensive guide is based on the latest methods in 2024. And don’t worry if you’re wondering whether this tutorial is suitable for iPhone users.
I’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the process for iPhone or iOS users as well. Let’s take a closer look at how to complete this procedure.
What is Albert?
Albert is a financial company that provides financial advice and guidance to its customers. The company also offers a premium subscription service, providing users with expert advice on financial decisions.
In the premium section, Albert advisers guide users on various topics, such as how to save money, pay off loans quickly, explore different saving options, manage bill payments, and many more features.
If you’ve already experienced the service and are now seeking ways to “cancel my Albert Genius account,” follow this tutorial.
How to cancel Albert Account Online
Hey there! You’ve got various options to cancel your Albert account, and it’s entirely your choice which method you prefer. I’ve gathered several methods for canceling subscription accounts, and this is one of them. Follow these six easy steps to cancel your Albert account online with no difficulties.
Here are the steps to cancel your Albert account:
- Open the Albert app on your device.
- Tap on the Profile button visible on the screen.
- Navigate to the Help Section in your Albert account.
- In the Help Section, find and tap on Contact Support.
- Send a genuine message to the Albert Support team expressing your cancellation request.
- Confirm the cancellation in the last step and your subscription will be canceled.
How do I cancel my Albert Genius Account?
Here’s a simplified version of the steps to close your Albert account:
- Open the Albert app and go to the Profile section.
- Tap the burger menu icon in the top-left corner.
- Choose the Payment tab.
- Navigate to the Help section.
- Click on “Close my Albert account.”
Note: To cancel your Albert account, you can send an email to the support team at support@albert.com or Visit
How to Cancel Albert Genius Account on Phone
Hello everyone! If you’re looking to cancel your Albert Genius Account on a mobile device, just follow these simple steps. This guide will walk you through every detail with visual representations, so keep reading.
To cancel your Albert Genius Account on a mobile device, follow these straightforward steps:
- Log in with your ID and password on the Albert Genius Account. Make sure it’s the account you want to cancel the subscription for.
- After logging into Albert Genius, you’ll see various options on the screen. Tap on the profile section at the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Clicking the profile section will reveal a three-line button in the top left corner, also known as the burger menu icon. Simply tap on that.
- Once you click the burger menu icon button, you’ll find various options related to your account. However, you need to tap on the payment button.
- In the payment section, scroll down to find the option for canceling the subscription. Click on “Cancel Subscription.”
- After clicking “Cancel Subscription,” a pop-up will appear, asking for confirmation to cancel the subscription. Click continue, and your Albert Genius Account will be instantly canceled.
How to cancel Albert account on iPhone
In this section of tutorials, we’ll explore how to cancel an Albert account on an iPhone, so be sure to read this article until the end.
Start by opening the Albert app on your iOS device and accessing the profile tab.
Before that, ensure you are logged into your account.
Tap the Menu option located in the top-left corner of the screen.
Once the menu is open, select the ‘Help’ option provided.
In the help section, you’ll find the “close my account” option; just tap on that.
A confirmation pop-up will appear on your screen; simply confirm it.
In this final step, re-enter your password, and your account will be canceled within the next 24 hours.
Hey Folks, I hope you found this comprehensive blog article on How to Cancel Albert Account easy to understand. If you still have any doubts related to this topic, please get in touch with us through the contact form or simply leave a comment below this article. If you found this article helpful, please consider sharing it with your friends and family members. Thank you!