Chat Gpt Prompts for Blog Writing

[Template] Best 15+ Free Chat GPT Prompts for Blog Writing

Are you a blogger, or are you looking to start blogging? If yes, then stay tuned because today’s blog topic is dedicated to you. 

In this blog, I will talk about Chat GPT prompts for blog writing. I know many of you want to do blogging, but you need ideas about how to write a blog. 

But now, this problem is solved. This article is totally based on ChatGPT prompts for blogging

So, are you guys ready for this?

Great, guys.

Complete Guide and Secrets of SEO Blog Writing

But before we talk about blog writing prompts, I want to ask you a question: Do you know what type of article ranks on Google? Or what is SEO-friendly blog writing? 

If you don’t know about these terms, the blogging industry might not be for you. I know this is a harsh word, but if you set aside your ego and want to learn, I especially advise you to read this section. 

After that, you can move to the next section for ChatGPT blog prompts. So, first of all, learn SEO-optimized blog writing concepts.

Here is a complete guide to writing blog posts that dominate search rankings and captivate your audience.

Choose a Topic

Choose a niche-relevant topic that people want to know about.


Remote employment benefits for businesses and employees

Use Google Trends to find the best trending topic.

Keyword Research

Select a root keyword and then find related keywords for high volume and low difficulty.


Remote employment benefits

Use SEMRUSH to find the best keywords.

Craft a Catchy Title

Your blog’s title grabs readers. Make it captivating, relevant, and appealing so readers click and read.


Remote employment benefits for businesses and employees

Get ideas from competitors’ blogs.

Create Attractive Headings and Sub-Headings

Write attractive headings and subheadings. Use your targeted keywords in headings. See competitors’ headings to get an idea.

Remember to use keywords in headings, but naturally.

Meta Description

Write a precise and comprehensive meta-description with keywords.


Discover the advantages of remote employment for businesses and employees in this blog. Learn how remote work may increase diversity, job happiness, and global talent. This in-depth review of remote working advantages will help you navigate the modern workforce.

Divide the Blog into 3 Sections

To write a comprehensive blog, I use this strategy to divide my book into 3 sections.

  • Introduction
  • Body Section
  • Conclusion

This technique helps to write a complete, comprehensive, result-driving blog post.

Section 1: Introduction

Write a compelling introduction that grabs readers’ attention. It should provide a brief overview of the blog and why it’s essential or exciting, using keywords naturally.

Section 2: Body Section

Write headings and explain each heading and subheading in detail. For consistency, each paragraph should focus on one theme and be logically related.

Remember to use relevant keywords where they fit naturally.

Section 3: Conclusion

Conclude your blog post in the last heading with a result.

Points to Be Noted:

  • Place keywords in headings and body but naturally.
  • Use simple, understandable language.
  • Provide supporting evidence for authenticity.
  • Editing and proofreading.
  • Provide examples.

Top Untouched Chat GPT Prompts for Blog Writing

Now, it’s time to look at ChatGPT prompts for blog posts. These prompts will help you create engaging blog posts in minimal time. 

The listed prompts are unique and create concise content. These are writing prompts for bloggers, but don’t worry; you can use these prompts for personal use as well. 

It’s too easy to use—just copy this template of blog prompts, fill in the necessary information, and put it in ChatGPT. In a few seconds, you’ll see magic.

ChatGPT prompts for SEO blog writing

Chat GPT Prompts for Blog Post Structure:

Create a blog post in X words, on the topic [topic] using the primary keyword [keyword] every 500 words. The blog article should have an intro, main body, and conclusion. Split the main body into X different subsections.


Create a blog post in 800 words on the topic “Effective [Digital Marketing] Strategies” using the primary keyword “digital marketing” every 500 words. The blog article should have an intro, main body, and conclusion. Split the main body into 3 different subsections focusing on “The Power of Social Media (250 words)” “SEO Best Practices (250 words)” and “Email Marketing Mastery (250 words)”

Chat GPT Prompts for Listicle Format:

Write a listicle blog post in X words on the topic ["Top 10 [Content Marketing] Tools"] and optimize for the primary keyword ["content marketing."]. This keyword should appear exactly as it is at least X times in a post, in X subheadings. Create the blog post in HTML format, and make sure to add a table of contents right after the introduction. This table should have links to each item on the list, making it easier for readers to navigate the content.

Chat GPT Prompts for Introduction Crafting:

Craft a concise and SEO-friendly introduction in X words for your blog post titled [topic title]. Make sure to include the keyword [keyword] and touch upon the key points including [key points you want to include].


Craft a concise and SEO-friendly introduction in 150 words for your blog post titled “Mastering [Influencer Marketing]: A Comprehensive Guide.” Make sure to include the keyword “influencer marketing” and touch upon the key points including [finding influencers, negotiating partnerships, measuring ROI].

Chat GPT Prompts for Conclusion Writing:

Write a short conclusion in X words for your blog post titled [topic title]. Make sure to write it in [tone] tone and include a CTA for [company], along with a link to [add link].


Write a short conclusion in 100 words for your blog post titled “Revolutionize Your [Email Marketing] Strategy.” Make sure to write it in an encouraging tone and include a CTA for [YourCompany], along with a link to [].

Chat GPT Prompts for Content Rewriting:

[Add blog content] Rewrite this text to include these SEO keywords: [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…]


Rewrite this text to include these SEO 

keywords: “organic gardening,” “sustainable living,” “green practices.”

Original Text: “Discover the joy of cultivating your own garden and adopting eco-friendly habits. Embrace a greener lifestyle and make sustainable choices for a better future.”

Rewritten Text:

“Explore the satisfaction of nurturing your garden through organic gardening and incorporating

sustainable living practices. Embrace a green lifestyle, making conscious choices for a healthier and more ecofriendly future.”

Top 10 Beginner ChatGPT Prompts To Generate Content for Business

Prompt 1

"As an SEO content writer, create an engaging and informative article discussing the benefits and features of [specific product/service]. Incorporate relevant keywords and optimize the content for search engine visibility."

Prompt 2

"Write a comprehensive buying guide for [specific product/service]. Include key factors to consider, a comparison of different options, and recommendations based on your research and expertise."

Prompt 3

"Compose a persuasive blog post explaining why [specific product/service] is essential for [target audience]. Highlight unique selling points, customer testimonials, and real-life use cases to captivate readers."

Prompt 4

"Craft an SEO-friendly product review of [specific product/service]. Provide an unbiased assessment, highlight pros and cons, and offer a recommendation to help potential buyers make an informed decision."

Prompt 5

"Develop a listicle featuring the top [number] tips or tricks for [specific topic related to the product/service]. Ensure the content is valuable, actionable, and optimized for search engines."

Prompt 6

"Create an in-depth case study showcasing how [specific product/service] has positively impacted a business or individual. Include measurable results, success stories, and before-and-after scenarios to illustrate its effectiveness."

Prompt 7

"Write an informative and engaging FAQ page for [specific product/service]. Address common questions, provide detailed answers, and optimize the content for search queries related to the product/service."

Prompt 8

"Craft an SEO-optimized product comparison article, comparing [specific product/service] with its main competitors. Highlight differentiating features, pricing, customer feedback, and expert opinions to aid potential buyers in their decision-making process."

Prompt 9

"Compose a thought leadership article on [specific topic related to the product/service]. Discuss industry trends, share expert insights, and provide actionable advice to position yourself as a knowledgeable authority in the field."

Prompt 10

"Develop a step-by-step tutorial or guide on how to effectively use [specific product/service]. Include screenshots, and videos, and optimize the content for search queries related to product/service usage."


Blogging prompts are the most common search on Google. It means people are searching for deep-researched ChatGPT blog writing prompts. 

That’s why we did extensive research on it and are writing this blog on ‘ChatGPT Prompts for Blog Writing.‘ 

I believe this article is helpful to you. What do you think? Let me know in the comment box.

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